Survivor responds to Shantanu Guha Ray’s article on Tejpal

Kavita Krishnan’s post on Facebook on 28th March, 2016 Letter by the woman journalist who has accused Tarun Tejpal of rape, to the Editor, Mumbai Mirror regarding an article by Shantanu Guha Ray that is rife with factual inaccuracies and violations of journalistic ethics. (This kind of thing seems to be a global phenomenon – Pachauri gets a piece carried in the Guardian, suggesting the … Continue reading Survivor responds to Shantanu Guha Ray’s article on Tejpal

Tejpal’s Family has to stop showing around the CCTV footage – Vrinda Grover

    The CCTV footage has been shown to many carefully identified and selected persons in the media and other influential and powerful persons, by family and a close coterie of friends of Tarun Tejpal. This is in violation of the law and the order of the court. Yes the family has a right to defend Tarun Tejpal, but not by committing unlawful and illegal acts.  … Continue reading Tejpal’s Family has to stop showing around the CCTV footage – Vrinda Grover

NWMI protests against unethical and illegal media coverage of Tehelka case

      Dear Justice Katju, The Network of Women in Media, India is deeply concerned about what appears to be a renewed media campaign that threatens the course of justice in the sexual assault and rape case involving the former editor of Tehelka, Tarun Tejpal. In this connection we would like to call the attention of the PCI to two recent articles on the subject in two … Continue reading NWMI protests against unethical and illegal media coverage of Tehelka case

Sexual Harassment: Will things really change for women? Or will this case be the norm?

MADHAVI SHAJHIR Read this first person account of the six year battle of Madhavi Shajhir (name changed), a bright chartered accountant, whose only mistake was to believe that the Code against harassment actually works While the media is pre-occupied with the Tarun Tejpal case and the alleged sexual harassment by Justice AK Ganguly, it is important to know that for many victims, even those who … Continue reading Sexual Harassment: Will things really change for women? Or will this case be the norm?

सच सिर्फ वो नहीं होता, जो सामने दिखता है – Manisha Pandey

मीडिया के लोग काफी बढ़-चढ़कर तरुण तेजपाल के चरित्र के खिलाफ और उस लड़की की बहादुरी के पक्ष में चीख-चिल्‍ला रहे हैं। लेकिन ये तो वो बात है, तो पर्दे पर दिख रही है या अखबार के पन्‍नों पर छप रही है। इसके अलावा उन मीडिया वालों की निजी महफिलों में, चाय की दुकानों, पान की गुमटियों और पर्सनल दारू पार्टियों में भी तो कभी … Continue reading सच सिर्फ वो नहीं होता, जो सामने दिखता है – Manisha Pandey

तरूण तेजपाल मिलान कुंदेरा को पढ़ते थे – Manisha Pandey

इंडिया टुडे में तरूण तेजपाल पर कवर स्‍टोरी छपी है। कल ऑफिस में वो स्‍टोरी पढ़ रही थी। अचानक एक लाइन पर मेरी आंखें रुक गईं। स्‍टोरी बताती है उस जवान, टैलेंटेड, निहायत काबिल तरूण तेजपाल के बारे में जो एडिटिंग के कामों के बीच ऑफिस में बैठकर मिलान कुंदेरा को पढ़ता रहता था। मिलान कुंदेरा ? मिलान कुंदेरा मतलब कि द जोक? अनबिअरेबल लाइटनेस … Continue reading तरूण तेजपाल मिलान कुंदेरा को पढ़ते थे – Manisha Pandey

Needed: A ‘Tehelkaa’ in Tehelka – Ayesha Kidwai

The ongoing Tarun Tejpal sexual assault imbroglio has been revelatory at multiple levels, but perhaps most of all of the truth of Noam Chomsky’s observations (in another context) that “for the powerful, crimes are those that others commit.” It is far easier to demand in print columns and television studios that the definition of rape and sexual assault be expanded beyond peno-vaginal penetration when it … Continue reading Needed: A ‘Tehelkaa’ in Tehelka – Ayesha Kidwai


“If the death penalty has to be awarded for a 19-year old, poor, illiterate and socially backward boy for committing gangrape, what should the corresponding punishment be for a father figure and the highest authority in the organisation, for finger penetrating a young colleague, as per the regime of stringent punishment? THE TEJPAL CASE, FAR REMOVED FROM THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE DELHI AND MUMBAI RAPE … Continue reading TEJPAL TEST FOR PEOPLE LIKE US – Flavia Agnes

Statement to media put out by Tehelka woman journalist

On the night of 22nd of November 2013, a member of Mr Tejpal’s immediate family came to my mother’s house in New Delhi, asking my mother to protect Mr. Tejpal and demanded to know 1) who I was seeking legal help from and 2) what I “wanted” as the result of my complaint of sexual molestation by Mr. Tejpal, that was made to the Tehelka … Continue reading Statement to media put out by Tehelka woman journalist