Why Loiter? | Shilpa Phadke |

In her TEDx talk, Phadke as a sociologist carefully dissects the intertwining of gender in urban spaces. Through this, she pursues the concepts of safety and risk, particularly how these concepts have evolved to frame our disposition towards women and loitering in public spaces. Risk and safety need not be absolutely distinct; instead, they can only be assessed in accordance with the societal norms governing … Continue reading Why Loiter? | Shilpa Phadke |

An Open Letter for closure- Varun Grover

  Revolutions are beautiful. They are cathartic, powerful, necessary, and like #metoo — inevitable. And revolutions, inevitably, have some collateral damage too. Last week has been a whirlwind of sorts in my life. Amidst the distress and confusion, I have discovered the kind solidarity of many strangers. I was at the receiving end of an anonymous allegation that I know and can prove to be false. In … Continue reading An Open Letter for closure- Varun Grover

Nana Patekar was accused of sexually harassing Tanushree Dutta on the sets – Janice Sequiera #MeToo

Sometimes, incidents that take place even a decade ago remain fresh in your memory. What happened with #TanushreeDutta on the sets of “Horn Ok Please” is one such incident – I was there. #NanaPatekar I was a cub reporter in 2008, assigned by AajTak and Headlines Today to cover the Behind the scenes of a song being shot for this film. When I arrived, I … Continue reading Nana Patekar was accused of sexually harassing Tanushree Dutta on the sets – Janice Sequiera #MeToo

The Trump of the iceberg of sexual harassment

Donald Trump’s shocking abuse of women is at the center of the election campaign, but Jen Roesch explains that it is symptomatic of the sexism that millions of women face. October 17, 2016 Donald Trump (Alex Hanson) AS MORE women come forward each day with new examples of Donald Trump grabbing, groping and kissing them, it exposes not just Trump’s brutish misogyny but something larger–the … Continue reading The Trump of the iceberg of sexual harassment

Shit has Hit the Fan, Folks: Sexual Harassment Battle Continues with a Small and Sweet Victory – Kunjila

Friday, 22 January 2016 I am being advised from all corners by people who are genuinely concerned about me, my rape case against a professor, the general state of affairs on campus etc to not write the way i write. I understand everyone’s concern. Activists, lawyers, filmmakers and a lot many well-meaning people think that what i write could be used against me in court. … Continue reading Shit has Hit the Fan, Folks: Sexual Harassment Battle Continues with a Small and Sweet Victory – Kunjila

Kolkata Courts; Sexual Harassment Battle Continues – Kunjila

From Kunjila’s Blog So i was asked to appear before magistrate on 31st December 2015. I went to Alipore I Judicial Magistrate and what i saw was nothing like courts in Kerala. Only once before have i testified in court in Calicut. The court i saw in Alipore was like a food court. There were tea shops and dhabas everywhere. There was shit of animals … Continue reading Kolkata Courts; Sexual Harassment Battle Continues – Kunjila

The Sexual Harassment Battle in SRFTI #2: ‘Heartbreaking’ – Kunjila

 From Kunjila’s Blog Sunday is my favourite food day because the mess gives chole bature. I love it. While gobbling it up on 13th December, Sunday, the president of our general body handed me over Times of India and pointed to an article in the front page. It was about the suspension of three professors of the institute following complaints of sexual harassment. In my … Continue reading The Sexual Harassment Battle in SRFTI #2: ‘Heartbreaking’ – Kunjila

Christmas Eve in SRFTI 2015- Kunjila

Thursday, 24 December 2015 Christmas Eve: Police I am coming out as one of the complainants in the sexual harassment battle at SRFTI (Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute), Kolkata. My name is Kunjila. It is my online handle and i have been using it for over four years now. People may know who i am, but that’s the name i am going to use … Continue reading Christmas Eve in SRFTI 2015- Kunjila

SRFTI student complains of Sexual Assault

A student of Satyajit Ray Films and Television institute of India, Kolkata has accused one of her Professors of coercive sex and rape. An FIR has been lodged against the Professor. This is what the complainant writes on her Facebook page – 7th January, 2016 So i almost underwent a medical examination. This whole state of affairs is bizarre. Suppose it is a case like … Continue reading SRFTI student complains of Sexual Assault