BBC Hard Talk: Teesta Setalvad on politics of communalism

This is Teesta Setalvad’s interview on BBC Hard Talk by Karan Thapar on 16.01.2004. She spoke on the driving force behind battling communalism, majority and minority, starting Sabrang, Communalism Combat with husband-colleague Javed Anand. To develop an understanding of hatred and divisive politics, peacemakers at the grassroots Communalism have little to do with religion but the manipulation of faith in the pursuit of power. Teesta … Continue reading BBC Hard Talk: Teesta Setalvad on politics of communalism

Statelessness in India During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The second webinar organised by the Right to Nationality and Citizenship Network (RNCN) will discuss the current situation of statelessness in India with a focus on Assam. A global report ‘Together We Can’ on the impact of COVID-19 on stateless populations will be released in India during the webinar. The discussions will include a presentation on the statelessness of Roma populations in Europe. A film … Continue reading Statelessness in India During the COVID-19 Pandemic

महामारी से लड़ने के बजाए सरकारी संरक्षण में कहीं मस्जिद विंध्वंसीकरण तो कहीं मॉब लिंचिग- राजीव यादव

महामारी से लड़ने के बजाए सरकारी संरक्षण में कहीं मस्जिद विंध्वंसीकरण तो कहीं मॉब लिंचिग- रिहाई मंच बाराबंकी के बाद खतौली में मस्जिद ढहाए जाने की घटना सुनियोजित पुलिसिया उत्पीड़न ने ध्वस्त की सूबे में कानून व्यवस्था रिहाई मंच सूबे में सत्ता संरक्षण में हो रहे दमन-उत्पीड़न की जांच और कानूनी कार्रवाई के लिए पीड़ितों से करेगा मुलाकात लखनऊ 28 मई 2021। रिहाई मंच ने बाराबंकी … Continue reading महामारी से लड़ने के बजाए सरकारी संरक्षण में कहीं मस्जिद विंध्वंसीकरण तो कहीं मॉब लिंचिग- राजीव यादव

Is time travel possible? Brian Cox and Nalini Joshi offer their views | Q & A

A questioner on ABC’s Q&A asks whether it is possible for a person who invents a time machine in the future to travel back in time and show us how to make one. Panelists Nalini Joshi and Professor Brian Cox give their views. More science here:…​ More Q&A here:​ Brian Cox says you can’t travel into the past, but Nalini Joshi disagrees. “Well, … Continue reading Is time travel possible? Brian Cox and Nalini Joshi offer their views | Q & A

What Happens If You Get a Severe Case of COVID-19?

This video 3D animation on COVID-19 and the coronavirus is a collaboration between Nucleus Medical Media and our friends at the What If Channel. To watch super interesting hypothetical scenarios on the human body, humanity, the planet and the cosmos, please visit the What If Channel at​…. In this video we explore what can happen to a healthy person in the unlikely event they … Continue reading What Happens If You Get a Severe Case of COVID-19?