In a huge victory for LGBT Rights, Supreme Court referred the curative petition on Section 377 to a larger 5 judge constitutional bench. Mr. Kapil Sibal appeared on behalf of Voices Against 377. The matter was heard by three senior most judges of the court, including Chief Justice TS Thakur in an open court and the bench today agreed that the case needed to be relooked at … Continue reading SUPREME COURT ADMITS CURATIVE PETITION ON SECTION 377, REFERS IT TO 5 JUDGE BENCH

“Waiting for Justice”, says the Indian Queer

Will the Queer community in India finally get justice in the apex court of India? Social Networking sites are abuzz today with the queer community anticipating some sense of justice to finally prevail. Some of facebook status go like this-   Dhrubojyoti In a few hours, the supreme court will decide on whether it wants to right the wrong committed in 2013. But it’s important … Continue reading “Waiting for Justice”, says the Indian Queer

Scared to say Lesbian- eh?

Lesbian Feminist Film Maker re-writes Vogue Empower My Choice script which features Deepika Padukone. She also edits Homi’s video on her script. Angry and agitated with Deepika’s video the Film maker responds to each sentence in her script. The Transcript and the video for you here- THE REWRITE   My body, my mind, my choice No I am not a woman’s empowerment video Scripted by a … Continue reading Scared to say Lesbian- eh?

रेशम (by Shaleen Rakesh)

मेरी पलकों के तले तितलियों के चित्र हैं हर बार जब आँखें झपकता हूँ रंग उड़ने लग जाते हैं एक धुन सी सुनायी देती है जागो तो, जाग जाओ जब हम मिले थे तब मैं घास पर रेशमी कीड़े सा, तुम्हें खोजता था तब पर नहीं निकले थे हमारे ये सच है अब मेरी दस आँखें नहीं रहीं पर अगर होतीं तो तुम पर होतीं। Continue reading रेशम (by Shaleen Rakesh)

The long road ahead – Shaleen Rakesh

On 11 December 2013, the streets outside the Supreme Court of India thronged with a dazed crowd, hugging, sobbing and not quite sure what had happened. Inside the hushed courtroom, the judges had just passed a devastating ruling. Lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) in India had once again been labelled as criminals. Section 377, the 149-year-old colonial law that banned gay sex, had been upheld … Continue reading The long road ahead – Shaleen Rakesh