Pradeep Sharma hits back in the Mansi Soni stalking case, issues defamation notice to Madhu Kishwar


BJP supporter Madhu Kishwar Demonized Pradeep Sharma
In the noise that followed the exposé of the stalking of Mansi Soni under the orders of Narendra Modi, one person silently suffered the insults heaped on him by the BJP spokesperson as well as their supporters. The person was none other than Mr Pradeep Sharma IAS, the Municipal Commissioner of Bhavagar, who was himself being stalked in the same operation in which Mansi was put under a 24×7 surveillance for over 30 days. As the exposé went viral, the BJP in order to control the damage, first hired the services of Mr Pranlal Soni, who gave them the alibi that it was he who had asked Narendra Modi to do the stalking.

Within 24 hours of Pranlal’s letter being read out by Rajnath, realization had already dawned on BJP that Mr Pranlal’s version had created more trouble for BJP than being of any help to explain the stalking. BJP, thereafter, was desperately looking for a plausible reason explaining the massive stalking operation and it was their own spokeswomen who came out with the allegation that the continuous 24×7 ‘surveillance’ was required to safe-guard Mansi Soni from the alleged apprehended assault/sexual harassment by Mr Pradeep Sharma IAS. The media not only permitted this absurd allegation to be aired but in a talk show on CNN-IBN, Ms Madhu Kishwar was actually invited to take the issue head-on which she did by further outpour of vile allegations against Pradeep Sharma.

Madhu Kishwar, now the famed author of Modinama, was in fact already demonizing Mr Pradeep Sharma IAS through her tweets since 16th November onwards. In her tweets, she had described Pradeep Sharma as corrupt and debauch where she had shockingly also alleged that it was Mansi Soni who was having an affair with him. In fact on TV, she went to the extent of abusing his late father and the family by calling them as the most ‘corrupt criminal minded team’. She followed it up by alleging that Pradeep Sharma could be expected to perpetrate acts like that of Mahipal Maderna who had raped and murdered Bhanwari Devi! Madhu Kishwar was thus actually alleging before the whole world that Pradeep Sharma IAS was as dangerous a rapist like Maderna and Mansi Soni could be meted out the same treatment like Bhanwari devi and therefore Narendra Modi had purportedly therefore ordered the 24×7 surveillance to protect Mansi from Pradeep Sharma!

Battered and beleaguered by such false, wild and defamatory allegations, Pradeep Sharma through his lawyer Dr Mukul Sinha has issued a defamation notice to Madhu Kishwar today (November 22nd, 2013) and asked her to respond within 48 hours as to why a criminal complaint shouldn’t be filed against her under Section 500 and/or file a damage suit for Rs 1 crore.

If Madhu Kishwar does not respond within the stipulated 48 hours, Mr Pradeep Sharma would be moving the court against her. Henceforth, any person who attempts to defame Mr Pradeep Sharma in any forum will face the same consequences.

Pradeep Sharma hits back in the Mansi Soni stalking case, issues defamation notice to Madhu Kishwar

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